Release notes ============= 0.5.0 ----- - NEW API addition: poll_decorator(). Per user-request, you can now use @poll_decorator() as a way to wrap a function with poll(). - The api otherwise remains the same. See the new function poll_decorator(). All options and arguments remain equivalent in poll()/poll_decorator(). Fully backward compatible change. 0.4.7 ----- - No API changes. Updated documentation to state that timeout=0 or timeout=None is equivalent to setting poll_forever=True. 0.4.6 ----- - No API changes. Presentation/documentations changes only. Should pose no backwards compatibility risk. - Added /docs directory written for sphinx. Setup a readthedocs site from the sphinx build. - Moved README contents to be largely inside the /docs/. - Updated some of the comments strings inside polling2 module. 0.4.5 ----- 'Begin poll(*)' message is logged when poll() is called. Hopefully this means the user doesn't feel the need to write a message before every call to poll() to indicate how long the poll() might take. 0.4.4 ----- Add is_value() function. A function that allows a user to easily build a custom checker, like is_truthy(), but for any value. 0.4.3 ----- Add log_error parameter to the poll signature. Enables logging of ignored exceptions. 0.4.2 ----- Add log_value() decorator and log parameter to poll signature. Enables logging of return_values. 0.4.0 ----- - Fixed polling function from waiting another sleep whenever the max_tries value has reached zero. - Remove test-only dependencies from requirements to install the package. - No longer testing on python 2.6. Add support for travis testing on python 3.6 and pypy 3.5. - Creation of polling2, forked from polling as previous maintainer seems to be ignoring issues and pull-requests. - Remove ```*a, **k``` from poll signature. This allows Type errors to be raised if caller spells arguments into correctly, making bugs easier to find. 0.3.0 ----- Support Python 3.4+ 0.2.0 ----- - Allow users to access a "last" attribute on the exceptions. This should hold the last evaluated value, which is the more common use case than getting the first value. - Fix a bug that actually ran 1 more time than value specified by max_tries 0.1.0 ----- First version